Sunday, May 15, 2011

RWA 11 - Are You Going?

After months of hinting, weeks of whining and days of just blatant statements of intent, my husband finally agreed that I should attend The 2011 Romance Writers of America Conference in New York.  I booked my reservation, nailed down a roommate and now I'm just beside myself with anticipation.

Are you going? Are you excited? Are you a first-timer like me? Let me hear from you!

My Words. My Fantasy.



Farrah Rochon said...

I'm going! Wouldn't miss RWA in NYC! And, yes, I am always excited for the conference. I love connecting with friends, seeing familiar faces, talking shop with people who think like me. Just love it all! Can't wait to meet you there!

Darcy Drake said...

I'll be there! This will be my second time at nationals. ^^